The Project
Purpose and Object of the project
The European Union (EU) has already set targets for achieving climate neutrality with the main objective being the development of renewable energy sources (RES) for 2030 up to 40%. In this context, the development of offshore wind farms is now a European and national political priority, as they can contribute the most to the achievement of the above goals and, in general, to the decarbonization of the planet.
The purpose of the project is the further study for the optimal location of the offshore wind farms in Crete, with the aim of strengthening the energy security of the island, the release of land and the exploitation of the offshore wind potential.
The main object of the project is:
a) the development of a specialized methodology for the sustainable siting of offshore wind farms, with the definition of appropriate criteria that they will be related, among others, to the bird fauna and the marine ecosystem. The selected criteria will incorporate all the restrictions of the applicable legislation, such as, for example, distances from archaeological monuments, protected areas, etc., as well as additional techno-economic, environmental, social, security criteria, etc. (eg wind potential, distance from military areas, visual nuisance, etc).
b) the multi-criteria analysis, the modeling for the optimization of the location and the compilation of relevant maps and databases.
c) the consultation of the results, with the participation of relevant competent bodies (e.g. EDEFEP SA, Chambers, KOPE, Natural Environment and Climate Change Organization, ELETAEN, ELKETHE)
d) the formulation of policy proposals
e) the dissemination of the results through informative actions The Technical University of Crete/School of Chemical Engineering & Environmental Engineering has the necessary scientific staff with the required experience and know-how for the implementation of the project, which falls within its research objectives.
The Region of Crete, as a body that participates in the process of political decisions, opinions, opinions, etc. during the energy planning of the island, it is considered appropriate to know the possibilities, limitations, carrying capacity and in general the information that composes the map of the optimal location of offshore wind farms. The Region of Crete and the Technical University of Crete, as part of a common goal, cooperate with each other to develop the research program :«Sustainable siting of offshore wind farms. Application in Crete (SusTainablE siting of offshore wind Parks. Application in Crete) Step – Ap".
The total duration is 24 months with an end date of 31-05-2025.
Budget - funding resources
The program has been included in the Financial Program "PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT & INNOVATIVE ACTIONS 2023" / Priority Axis 3 "RESEARCH AND IMPLEMENTATION" of the Green Fund with code K.A. 2010ΕΠ40200008 of SAEP 402. With no. prot. 259.1/2023 Decision of the Green Fund approved the allocation of credit in the amount of 199,500.00 euros for the mentioned project. The budgeted expenditure for the Technical University of Crete amounts to one hundred and forty nine thousand five hundred and twenty euros (€149,520) and the budgeted expenditure for the Region of Crete amounts to forty-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty euros (€49,980).